To make the page look like other pages, create a new page, select the Template in the Page Attributes section on the right. Valid page templates are: page-contact-template,  page-home-template (for home page only), page-photoshop-template – for pages with thumbs and slidesFor example, this page is based on page-contact-template. After the page is built, click Update.

To add the page to a menu, go to the Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus -> check the new page in the list of pages on the left, select the menu you want to edit (ContentMenu – for main content pages), click “Add to Menu”. This will add a new page to the menu. Drag the new menu item around to where you want it to appear. Click Save Menu.

Test Forminator form:

WpDevArt Form:

[wpdevart_forms id=”1″]

Search form Try2: